I've referred, in the past, to the preaching presentation as a three legged table: equal parts content, structure, and delivery. Where one is lacking, the...

I've referred, in the past, to the preaching presentation as a three legged table: equal parts content, structure, and delivery. Where one is lacking, the...
As mentioned in the previous post, an effective sermon is a balance between content, structure, and delivery.
Today, a few reminders related to content....
There's a house going up in my neighborhood...eventually. The construction materials have already been delivered and are waiting to be put to use. There's...
We've been talking about the 3 legged table -- maintaining the balance between content, structure, and delivery.
Today let's talk about delivery. Here...
According to a new Gallup poll, the number one reason Americans attend church is to hear Biblical preaching.
And the numbers are high:...
Education can take place in formal or informal settings and any experience that has a formative effect on the way one thinks, feels.