Module 1: Three Big Things
Steve kicks off the Advanced Course with a fresh look at the classic, time-tested structure used in any speech or sermon: Introduction, Body,...
Steve kicks off the Advanced Course with a fresh look at the classic, time-tested structure used in any speech or sermon: Introduction, Body,...
In this pivotal, detailed session Steve gives a Bird’s Eye View of the sermon, moving quickly through a summary of 12 essential elements and 3 key words...
This section focuses on sermon preparation — specifically on the strategy of marking the borders of your message. This serves to build a fence around your...
This section focuses on developing the middle of your message — building your case for the main part of your sermon — almost like a lawyers makes his...
Every speaker knows that stories are an essential part of the message, but not all speakers know how to tell them well. The truth is that no one has a...
The single most important strategy for empowering your listeners to become Doers of the Word is — after you’ve given a clear and accurate presentation...
Often times the conclusion is hurried — we took too much time in the middle — and it ends up feeling like an afterthought to the exegesis. The...
The first five minutes of your message are crucial. Though some may hang on your every word, most of your listeners expect you to prove yourself...
Once you completed the 30 day course, you have the option of completing an online exam to earn a certificate of completion confirming that you have...
In addition to the coaching module and 30 day lesson plan, you also receive access to all the supplemental Preaching Academy resources to help you continue...
As a second bonus you will receive one year of access to Steve May's complete library of sermon resources: 950 sermons, including more than 100 sermon...
Upon completion of the 30 day course you qualify for a free sermon evaluation / coaching session with Steve May. Steve will review your manuscript and/or...